Setup yum

17 January 2007
Fedora Core uses yum to install and update its software. When connected to the internet it will automatically determine application dependancies.
Fedora Repositories
Fedora has 3 repositories enabled by default: core (the same packages that come on CD’s/DVD), updates (updated packages, newer than core) and extras (countless other applications not included on CD’s/DVD).
These repositories ‘sign’ their RPM file’s to make sure they are valid when downloaded. Import the GPG keys to these repositories:
[mirandam@charon ~]$ sudo rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/*
Third Party Repositories
For applications that are against Fedora policies (MP3, DVD, MPEG, NTFS, etc). A third party repository should be used. For the purpose of this guide, (most) all needs are met by the Livna repository. (Note: the Livna repository is NOT compatible with the Freshrpms repository.)
[mirandam@charon ~]$ sudo rpm -ivh

[mirandam@charon ~]$ sudo rpm --import
NOTE: Installation Prompt
After yum downloads the application or update requested it will prompt to install. This is good for learners or to keep track of what is happening. Applications can possibly be UN-installed in a update as well. If you wish yum to automatically install downloads and make changes, run yum with the -y (answer “yes”) option.
# sudo yum -y install application_name
NOTE: Full System Updates
If you run the following, EVERY SINGLE RPM that has an available update through ANY repository will be updated.
[mirandam@charon ~]$ sudo yum update
Generally speaking this is highly recommended the FIRST time you install Fedora (if you have high speed internet). After that, full system updates are probably less necessary. Keep in mind that updates, may update all their dependancies, which can lead to long download times. Often a new update may break something that already worked. Please understand what you are doing before running continuous updates.
NOTE: If YUM does not run after first install.
You may see the following error:
Loading "installonlyn" plugin
Existing lock /var/run/ another copy is running. Aborting.
This is because the background YUM updater service is running. To stop it, run:
[mirandam@charon ~]$ sudo /etc/init.d/yum-updatesd stop
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